Dr Lowen Clarke

Join the Reading Revolution

Dr Lowen Clarke wins prestigious international award for 

      Missing Persons Bureau.

Congratulation to Lowen on winning the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation award for Print Media 2022. The ISSTD is one of the foremost organisations for the understanding and treatment of PTSD and trauma.

Empowerment Script is at the forefront of developing the reader experience in books. 

Missing Persons Bureau now joins Sam the Tram’s Dance Club and are both written in Empowerment Script.

The stylish edition of Sam the Tram’s Dance Club was published in the USA and introduced Empowerment Script to the therapeutic community. Sam is the world’s first book published in Empowerment Script. Reading  Empowerment Script on a daily basis can  assist the reader to manage anxiety and stress. Sam is now joined by the newly published and equally stylish Missing Persons Bureau.

This book is used by psychotherapists in general practice and by those working with members of the Australian Defence Forces. The charm of this narrative, presented in the format of a delightful children’s book, is a productive element that can be introduced into sessions as required.

Dr Clarke’s Sam the Tram’s Dance Club was a completely new concept when it was published. The concept of a picture book being a valuable realtime tool for psychotherapists in their practice has now been established. Sam, with his capacity to charm and relax and at the same time gently introduce some EMDR principles to a session, is now a productive  tool. 

As part of ongoing research, Dr Clarke continues to engage  with therapeutic practitioners. Valued feedback from these therapists indicated that there was further scope to develop the therapeutic scope of the tool. In creating a second book, Dr Clarke addresses sessional entry points and ‘time out’ reading experiences within a more adult framework. This new book is titled Missing Persons Bureau.

Missing Persons Bureau.

Dr Lowen Clarke draws on the groundbreaking material from his doctorate ‘Savage Clarity’ in his latest publication which introduces a book that contains a gentle yet deconstructed perspective on the clinical therapeutic process.  

Having worked with a range of skilled psychotherapists, this exciting new book introduces sophisticated and complex psychotherapeutic elements. These are made readily available to be scoped as required. The clever style introduced by  Dr Clarke renders these sophisticated concepts into elements contained in an easily read and understood narrative. 

Missing Persons


‘After all my years in Missing Persons, 

         I never expected a case like this’

Missing Persons Bureau now joins Sam the Tram’s Dance Club in being published in Empowerment Script. The narrative of this book is more complex with a depth of lived experience being shared and made available to the reader.

Sam the Tram’s Dance Club 

Sam was an immediate success with clinicians, and the therapeutic community. Empowerment Script was deemed a valued tool by those who introduced it into their practice repertoire. Sam is written as a charming and very disarming children’s story with engaging and appealing characters. The simplicity and directness of the storyline reassures readers who then relax and become more open and receptive to the therapeutic methodology of their mental health professional.

Both books make use of a powerful combination of both images and words to carry the reader into a positive reading experience. Elegantly placing characters, concepts, words and images together into comfortable fictional environments represents one of Dr Clarke’s signature skillsets. 

Sam the Tram’s Dance Club and Missing Persons Bureau are easy reading books that everyone can engage with. The likeable characters inhabit colourful metropolitan worlds that are at once cities and charmed space. Missing Persons Bureau has similar engaging characters as appear in Sam’s world. However the characters in this second narrative live in a more complex and nuanced world. For both books, the worlds they describe, the characters that inhabit them and the narrative storyline are journeys and experiences that readers can relate to. 


An academic article by Lowen Clarke is in the Lapidus International Research and Innovation Community Journal, LIRIC, 2022 edition.  Lapidus International is the writing for wellbeing community. 

The article is reference Clarke (2022).


Adults and children both enjoy suspending reality and being carried by narrative into alternative worlds and both Sam the Tram and Missing Persons Bureau take their readers on a journey to alternative realities where many wondrous things can happen every day. The characters make great companions who take their readers on remarkable journeys with every reading.

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